Verificatication Process For Companies

AllReviews places significant importance on helping Kiwis easily identify reliable businesses for online shopping. A core strategy we utilize involves authenticating the legitimacy and security of a company.

When a company earns our verification mark, it signifies they've provided their business details, and we’ve meticulously confirmed them. This process includes direct communication with the business operators and verifying the company as a lawful and authentic entity offering genuine services to its users. However, we leave the quality assessment of these services or products to our users, who share their experiences through reviews and comments.

How to Get Your Company Verified with Us?

Keen to verify your brand or online store? Simply get in touch via our support page. Usually, we require the following:

1. A valid Identity Card
2. Domain ownership proof (Name and surname must match the Identity Card)
3. Chamber of Commerce Identification Number
4. Visible contact details on your online business

Does Lack of Verification Affect Your Score?

No, your score on our platform solely depends on user reviews and experiences. The Verified label is a pledge of data transparency to your customers. While it’s not mandatory, it’s highly recommended to foster stronger connections with both potential and existing customers who review your products.

Benefits of Verifying Your Company with Us

In addition to enhancing transparency and reliability, here’s why verifying your company on our platform is beneficial:

  • Swift and Simple: Once you reach out and submit the required information, and if everything checks out, we’ll promptly grant your business the Verified label.

  • Boosts Business Credibility: Compared to non-verified counterparts, having the verification mark can significantly attract users who value trustworthy reviews about your brand.

  • Shows Responsibility: In an age where online shopping poses risks, demonstrating your commitment to customer safety through verification can enhance the overall shopping experience, making it more secure and enjoyable.

Remember, verifying your company with AllReviews isn’t just about meeting a standard; it's about setting one for safety, transparency, and trust in the online marketplace.