How reviews are featured

On AllReviews, kiwis from all over can share their buying or service stories. Users can freely send in reviews if they follow our User Guidelines and have no conflicts of interest. Companies can ask customers to leave reviews according to our rules. All reviews are shown on the company's profile page so kiwis can read and share feedback.

Our Dedication to Transparency

AllReviews fosters teamwork between companies and kiwis, making sure all opinions are published with no censorship. This sets us apart from platforms where companies control the story.

Core Principles of Our Platform:

  • User-Owned Content: Reviews are made by users, and authors can edit or delete their own posts.
  • Fraud Detection Measures: Our software flags and removes fake reviews based on IP addresses, user IDs, and timestamps.
  • Accountability: We are working on a feature for reporting fake reviews by kiwis and companies.

Our pledge to transparency and integrity makes sure AllReviews is a trusted platform for real customer insights.