How reviews are featured

On AllReviews, Kiwis from all over can share their buying or service stories. Users are free to submit their reviews as long as they follow our User Guidelines and there’s no funny business. Businesses can also invite customers to leave their reviews as per our guidelines. Every single review is displayed on the business's profile page so that everyone can read and share their thoughts.

Our Commitment to Transparency

AllReviews champions an open conversation between businesses and customers, making sure all opinions are out there with no filters. This sets us apart from other places where businesses may steer the story.

Key Features of Our Platform:

  • User-Created Content: Reviews are crafted by users, who can change or remove their posts anytime.
  • Cheating Detection: Our tech spots and kicks out dodgy reviews using IP addresses, user IDs, and timestamps.
  • Responsibility: We're working on a feature to report fake reviews by both customers and businesses.

Our promise of transparency and honesty ensures that AllReviews is the go-to spot for genuine customer insights.