
Kia ora! Welcome to the contact page of AllReviews, the leading site in Aotearoa for genuine and transparent feedback about a range of services and products. We reckon that direct and effective communication is the foundation of trust and satisfaction for all our users and partners.

To help with any questions, suggestions, issues, or other inquiries you might have, we provide multiple contact methods, including our email

Here you'll find all the information you need to get in touch with us in a manner that suits you best. Our promise is to respond promptly and to ensure you have an excellent experience on our platform. Your feedback is vital to us, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Our Pledge

At AllReviews, every message is taken seriously. We aim to respond clearly and helpfully within a reasonable timeframe. We acknowledge the value of your time and understand the necessity for timely information and solutions. For more intricate inquiries requiring comprehensive investigation, we will provide an estimated time frame for a full response.

When to Get in Touch

We encourage users to contact us to enhance their experience with our platform, continuing to share and read reviews about businesses or services they’re interested in. Common reasons our users reach out to our support team include:

For Users

  • Correcting a review: We all make mistakes sometimes, whether it's too harsh a judgement or a change in perspective over time. Feel free to contact us to amend or edit your original comment.

  • Website technical issues: If you come across any bugs that affect your browsing experience, don't hesitate to get in touch.

  • Deleting a comment: If you spot a comment that's malicious, odd, or goes against our code of conduct, let us know, and we will review it manually.

For any requests related to a comment you've made, please use the email address associated with the comment so we can verify your identity easily.

For Businesses

Managing the company profile: We assist businesses in managing their presence on our platform, responding to reviews, and leveraging our community to boost their online reputation.

Handling false or malicioUS-Reviews: The integrity of our platform is paramount. If a business flags a review as a guideline violation, we will investigate and take appropriate action.

Why Get in Touch?

At AllReviews, we appreciate the importance of open and efficient communication channels with our users and business partners. Here are some key reasons to contact us:

  • Commitment to authenticity: We ensure all published comments are from real consumers. If concerns arise about a review’s authenticity, we're here to investigate and maintain content reliability.

  • Contributing to the community: Sharing your experiences helps others make well-informed purchasing decisions. Connecting with us allows you to have a positive impact on the AllReviews community.

By reaching out to AllReviews, you ensure your voice is heard and your concerns are handled professionally and courteously. We strive to create an exceptional user experience and value your contribution toward this goal. Feel free to get in touch; we're here to assist and ensure your interaction with our platform is always positive and beneficial.

How to Contact Us

Here are several ways to connect with our expert team:

By email at

For editorial contributions:

For general inquiries:

By phone at +31 203201127

For specific concerns, check our specialized team's contact methods to better assist you.