Company Verification Process

At AllReviews, we aim to help users find reliable businesses for online shopping. We verify companies to ensure they are legit and safe.

When your business gets our verification mark, it shows we have checked your details directly. This proves you are running a lawful and genuine company. The quality of your services or products is judged by our users through reviews and comments.

How to Get Verified

To verify your brand or online store, contact us via our support page. Usually, we ask for:

  • A valid Identity Card
  • Proof of domain ownership (matching the name on the ID)
  • Chamber of Commerce Identification Number
  • Visible contact information on your online business

Does Not Being Verified Affect Your Score?

No, your score depends only on user reviews. The Verified label shows your promise of being open. It’s not a must, but it’s highly recommended to build trust.

Benefits of Verification

Verifying your company gives several perks:

  • Quick and Easy: Give us the necessary info, and if all is good, you will quickly get the Verified label.
  • Increases Your Credibility: The verification mark draws users who trust honest reviews.
  • Shows Responsibility: Proving you care about customer safety makes the shopping experience safer and more enjoyable.

Getting verified with AllReviews sets standards for safety, transparency, and trust in the online market.