Write for Us

At AllReviews, we give Kiwis the tools to make smart choices with thorough and trustworthy reviews about products and companies. Our goal is to create a close-knit community of informed consumers where real experiences are shared. Your expertise can make a big difference to our growing pool of knowledge.

How You Can Share Your Expertise

Your voice matters at AllReviews. Honest and clear content is key to making great consumer decisions. Here's how you can get involved:

What We Want

We're looking for unique, truthful, and well-researched articles. Interesting stories, detailed guides, and insightful reviews are all welcome. Handle sensitive topics with care. Some subjects might need approval before publication.

What You Can Write About

We welcome articles on a wide range of topics, including technology, fashion, health & wellness, finance, travel, and more. If you're keen on sharing reviews or advice on products or services, we'd love to hear from you!

How to Submit

  • Introduce yourself and your expertise by emailing monika@reviews-international.com.
  • Outline the key points for your article.
  • Our team will review your proposal. If it fits our guidelines, the next step is drafting. Further revisions may be needed before final approval and publication.

Our Review Process

To keep our content quality high, all submissions go through a detailed review process:

  • Our editorial team checks each article to ensure it meets our standards for quality, originality, relevance, and usefulness to our readers.
  • If needed, we may ask for revisions for clarity, accuracy, or extra information.
  • You'll be informed once your article is accepted and approved for publication.


Articles should be engaging and objective, with a word count between 750 to 1200 words.

  • Use headings, subheadings, lists, or tables to make reading easier.
  • Include an introduction and a concluding paragraph.
  • Submit your article to our editorial team in Google Docs format.

Benefits of Writing for AllReviews

Writing for AllReviews comes with great perks. It's more than just sharing your words; it's about becoming a part of a respected platform. Here are some benefits:

  • Reach a Broad Audience: Get your articles in front of a large audience and increase your visibility.
  • Diverse Topics: We cover many industries, so there's plenty of scope for your contributions.
  • Boost Your Profile: Add links to your website or social media profiles in your articles.
  • Engagement: Enjoy high engagement rates, ensuring your work gets noticed and sparks conversations.

Showcasing Your Work

Your article will be prominently featured on our platform, including:

  • Placement in relevant categories.
  • Shown alongside related articles.

Legal Notices

We're serious about legal aspects to protect both our authors and our platform.

All articles must comply with applicable laws and regulations. No libelous, defamatory, or unlawful content allowed.

Authors must adhere to privacy policies and copyright laws. Ensure you have all permissions for any third-party content.

We're excited for a collaborative partnership to provide our community with valuable and trustworthy content. Share your knowledge, experiences, and insights with our broad audience and build your authority on AllReviews. Ready to write for us? Contact us today at monika@reviews-international.com.