About us

The national experience site in New Zealand!


AllReviews is a platform that gathers consumer Experiences. Together, we guide future customers on whether to purchase from a particular company or not. This way, you get the honest truth upfront, avoiding any potential pitfalls.

We support a transparent market.
Nowadays, people see right through catchy sales pitches because there are just too many customers sharing when something’s not quite right. That’s where we step in—providing reliable and straightforward information. If a company or shop delivers great service and good value, it’s worth celebrating and sharing.
Honesty is key. Companies that are upfront and genuine have earned their place in the market. Deceptive sales strategies benefit no one.

We delve into details. For instance, a home content insurance may seem fine on paper, but how does it perform when there’s water damage? What was the payout in a specific instance? Knowing this beforehand lets you understand exactly what you’re signing up for. That’s where AllReviews proves invaluable!

For Businesses
Are you ready to let the whole of New Zealand see your customer feedback? You can create a free business page on AllReviews! This offers an independent, trustworthy platform to showcase your product quality and service excellence. Check out our
page for companies for more details.

What kind of companies are listed on AllReviews?

Insurance firms
Most of us juggle multiple insurance policies—be it student insurance, car insurance, or home content insurance. Even when you’re heading off on a winter sports trip, a specialised insurance is not a luxury.
Unfortunately, mishaps happen and the variations among insurers can be confusing. That’s why we prioritise honest reviews on policies. It’s crucial that your coverage meets your needs. It’s a massive loss when a company pays out $5,000 for jewellery that’s worth three or four times as much. Hence, we scrutinise car, motor, camper, and boat insurances, and even legal expenses, health, and pet insurances.


Energy Providers:
How much do you spend each month? Is there a significant difference in pricing between providers, given they’re all supplying electricity? With your help, we aim to shed light on this.
But do you prefer green energy from wind or solar, or are you less concerned about eco-options? This choice affects costs. Service quality also varies. Are you getting effective support, making bills one less worry? Or do errors mean you need to double-check everything yourself? It might be wiser to go with a well-established provider. Read the experiences shared on our site to ensure things are sorted. Regardless of the company, we maintain our independence and offer no direct advice. We leave that to the wisdom of other customers!


Telecommunication companies, prepaid cards, subscriptions, and internet providers. If you’ve already secured an all-in-one package, well done.
Choosing the right telecom provider can be overwhelming. We’ve created an overview of all telecom suppliers and provide a platform for sharing your experiences with other consumers. Did your prepaid card meet expectations? Or did buying a domain name lead to unexpected issues? Did a two-year contract come with unpleasant surprises? Positive experiences count too. Maybe your iPhone has stood the test of time and you want to highlight that. Or perhaps your provider offered a fantastic deal when your contract ended. Whatever your experience, sharing it can help others navigate the complex telecom landscape.