How to choose a profile name

On AllReviews, every user must have a name displayed with each published review. You can change your username anytime you wish, offering flexibility depending on how identifiable or anonymous you want to be.

What Types of Usernames Are Allowed?

Feel free to select any username you prefer. Many choose their first name, while others go with their full name. If you want to remain anonymous, opt for a name different from your own, but ensure it’s appropriate and adheres to our reviewer guidelines. Avoid using personal details, and steer clear of hateful or offensive content.

Changing Your Username

Users can modify their username at any time. Simply log in, click on your profile image at the top right, and navigate to “Account details.” Here, you can update your username and remember to save your changes.


When selecting a username, prioritise your online privacy and security. Consider it as safeguarding your personal space. Refrain from sharing sensitive information such as your full name to prevent any potential misuse or unauthorised access. Using an alias or parts of your name can help protect your identity.

Creating a Friendly Space for All

It's crucial to choose a friendly, respectful username that represents you as a professional and trustworthy community member. Avoid language or content that might offend others. By adhering to these guidelines, you'll contribute to a welcoming and positive online environment for everyone.