What happens if someone reports my opinion?

In New Zealand, it's quite common to receive an email notification letting you know that someone has reported your comment. Don't stress! This is often just a human error and can usually be sorted out in a matter of minutes.

While most reviews removed from our platform are due to automated, malicious, or bulk content that our system detects and deletes, we also empower our users to report and respond to complaints. This allows them to defend their reviews and opinions about a store or business.

Why might your review get reported?

AllReviews is committed to transparency and honesty. That's why we allow users to rate comments, engage in discussions, and report any content they believe violates our responsible content policy.

Our team reviews all user-submitted complaints, some of which are more straightforward than others. Often, a review is reported because of inappropriate language, harsh criticism, or other problems. If this happens, you can edit your review to get it approved.

In other instances, we might detect severe policy violations, including:

  • SPAM content targeting third parties
  • Unverified AI-generated content
  • Attempts to influence public opinion about a registered business

Such serious breaches can result in permanent account suspension and the deletion of all associated reviews.

What should you do if your review is reported?

If your review gets reported, you'll receive an email explaining the reason and the required actions. At AllReviews, we believe in learning from mistakes and providing second chances. Therefore, users can appeal our decisions if they feel they were made in error or lack context.

When a complaint is reported, three possible outcomes exist:

  1. Dismiss the complaint - If there are no substantial grounds for removal.
  2. Contact both parties or perform an individual investigation - If clarity is lacking, we'll request additional information to verify the review.
  3. Delete the reported review - If compelling evidence supports the complaint.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can report my review?

Both AllReviews users and business owners can report your comment. Always be mindful of the impact of your words, especially if sharing a negative experience about a business.

Does the resolution process differ between user and company reports?

No, at AllReviews, we treat all reports equally, regardless of their origin. We don't give preferential treatment to complaints from companies; our goal is to ensure fair conditions for everyone.

What happens if someone abuses the reporting feature?

If a user repeatedly reports others unjustly and their complaints are rejected, we'll investigate for possible defamation. This could result in penalties, including account suspension.