Can I have multiple reviews accounts?

At AllReviews, we only allow one account per person. We value trust and honesty. To make sure our reviews are reliable, we limit each user to a single profile. This helps keep the platform safe and trustworthy.

How to Merge Multiple Profiles?

If you have more than one profile, get in touch with us to merge them. Give us the email addresses linked to all your profiles. If you want a specific profile to stay active, let us know and we'll make sure it’s the one that remains.

What Happens After the Merge?

Once your profiles are merged:

  • All your reviews will be combined under the chosen profile.
  • You’ll use one set of login details (email/password) for accessing AllReviews.

Can I Revert the Merge?

No, the merge is final. Since we only permit one profile per user, merging profiles can’t be undone.

This single-profile policy makes sure each user has a consistent and reliable identity on AllReviews. If you need to merge profiles or have queries, get in touch with us for help.

What Happens if We Spot a User Using Multiple Accounts?

On AllReviews, we use an automated system to find users with multiple accounts via IP tracking. To prevent any spam, fake, or promotional reviews, the system will automatically block the IP of suspected users.